中文学习分享组群 🀄📒🤓

Version 0.3.0

Mandarin lessons with 诺艾妮

Chapter 5

Class 5 (28/12/2018)

  • Passage recital

    左一片, 右一片

    zuǒ yí pìan, yoù yí pìan

    隔着 山头 看不见

    gé zhe shān tóu kàn bú jiàn

  • New words learned:

1. cháng Length, long, forever, always, constantly.
2. xiě To write.
3. Letter, symbol, character.
4. It.
5. zuì The most.
6. máng Busy.
7. fēng Wind.
8. Rain.
9. xuě Snow.
10. yún Cloud.
11. diàn Thunder.
12. tiān Sunny.
13. chūn Spring.
14. xià Summer.
15. qiū Autumn.
16. dōng Winter.
17. Ground.
18. de Posessive particle.
19. shuō To speak, say.
20. shì Is, are, am, yes, to be.
21. Colour.
22. huā Flower.
23. Mother.
  • Expressions
Pinyin Translation
1. 春天 chūntiān Spring.
2. 颜色 yánsè Colour.
3. 妈妈 māma Mother.
4. 五颜六色 wǔyánliùsè Colourful.
Last updated on 10 Jan 2019 / Published on 28 Dec 2018
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