中文学习分享组群 🀄📒🤓

Version 0.3.0

Mandarin lessons with 诺艾妮

Chapter 7

Class 8 (17/01/2019)

  • How to ask question (v1)

    怎么样 用 中文 说 <thing>

    zěn me yàng yòng zhōng wén shuō <thing>

  • How to ask question (v2)

    <thing> 是什么

    <thing> shì shěn me

  • How to ask question (v3)



  • Words learned

1. xué To learn, study.
2. shēng Student (to be born, to give birth, life, to grow).
3. Me.
4. shì Is/are/am/yes/to be.
5. ài To love, to be fond of, to like, affection, to be inclined to do, to tend to.
6. lǎo Old, venerable, experienced.
7. shī Teacher, master, expert.
8. tóng Like, same, similar, together, alike.
9. wén Language, culture, writing, formal, literary, gentle.
10. xiào To proofread, to check, to compare, school.
11. jiā Home.
12. Him/her.
13. You.
14. jiù At once, right away, only, just (emphasis), regard to, concerning.
15. xiàng To resemble, to be like, to look as if, such as, appearance, image.
16. hǎo Good.
  • Extra
1. hěn Very.
2. 再见 zài jiàn Bye-bye.
Last updated on 18 Jan 2019 / Published on 17 Jan 2019
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