中文学习分享组群 🀄📒🤓

Version 0.3.0

Mandarin lessons with 诺艾妮

Chapter 8

Class 8 (24/01/2019)

  • Substitute 老师 (Chung Sun).

  • 听写

    1. 我是小学生
    2. 你去学校
    3. 他是中文老师
    4. 妈妈爱我
    5. 自由的黄鸟
    6. 两百只白羊
    7. 草里有小虫
    8. 大鱼欢快地游
    9. 土地
    10. 上下左右
  • No new words learned.

Class 9 (31/01/2019)

  • 生子
1. kāi Open, start.
2. le Know, finish, understand.
3. zhēn True, real, genuine.
4. gāo High, tall.
5. xìng To rise, to flourish.
6. chē Car, vehicle, machine.
7. jiàn To see.
8. shuō To speak.
9. zǎo Early, morning.
10. You.
11. men Plural marker for pronouns.
12. hǎo Good.
13. tài Highest, greatest.
14. yáng Positive (electric), sun.
15. duì Right, correct, towards, at, for, to face.
16. shū Book, letter, document.
17. bāo To cover, wrap, hold. Package, wrapper, container, bag.
18. yào To demand, request, coerce, want, going to.
  • 词语 (cíyǔ) / Words and expressions

    1. 开学 (kāixué) – Starting school.
    2. 高兴 (gāoxìng) – Happy, glad, joy.
    3. 校车 (xiàochē) – Car.
    4. 你们 (nǐmen) – You (plural).
    5. 太阳 (tàiyáng) – Sun, sunshine.
    6. 为什么 (wèishénme) – Why.
    7. 书包 (shūbāo) – School bag.
  • Extra

    1. 早安 (zǎoān) – Good morning.
    2. 早上好 (zǎoshang hǎo) – Good morning.
    3. 下午好 (xiàwǔ hǎo) – Good afternoon.
    4. 晚上好 (wǎnshàng hǎo) – Good evening.
    5. 晚安 (wǎn ān) – Good night.
Last updated on 22 Feb 2019 / Published on 24 Jan 2019
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