中文学习分享组群 🀄📒🤓

Version 0.3.0

Mandarin lessons with 诺艾妮

Chapter 9

Class 10 (28/02/2019)

  • 听写

    1. 爷爷和奶奶是老人
    2. 为什么他们有红色的书包?
    3. 这是我的家人,有爸爸,妈妈,和两只小鸟
    4. 学生们放学了,大家高兴地坐校车回家去了
    5. 我见到老师说早上好
  • 生字

1. de
2. jiā
3. zhè
4. yǒu
6. nǎi
9. and/together with/with/sum/union/peace/harmony/
10. fàng to put/to place/to release/to free/to let go/to let out/to set off (fireworks)
11. huí to circle/to go back/to turn around/to answer/to return/to revolve/Hui ethnic group (Chinese Muslims)/time/classifier for acts of a play/section or chapter (of a classic book)/to curve/to return/to revolve/variant of 迴
12. dào to (a place)/until (a time)/up to/to go/to arrive/(verb complement denoting completion or result of an action)
13. gěi to/for/for the benefit of/to give/to allow/to do sth (for sb)/(grammatical equivalent of 被)/(grammatical equivalent of 把)/(sentence intensifier)/to supply/to provide
14. wán to finish/to be over/whole/complete/entire
15. to hold/to contain/to grasp/to take hold of/handle/particle marking the following noun as a direct object/classifier for objects with handle/classifier for small objects: handful/handle
  • 词语 (cíyǔ) / Words and expressions

    1. 爷爷👴 (yéye) – Grandfather.
    2. 奶奶👵 (nǎinai) – Grandmother.
    3. 爸爸👨 (bàba) – Father.
    4. 妈妈👩 (māma) – Mother.
    5. 放学 (fàngxué) – Out of school.
    6. 回家 (huíjiā) – Return home.
    7. 大家 (dájiā) – Everyone.
    8. 唱歌 (chànggē) – Sing.
  • 句子 (jùzi) / Sentences

    1. 这是我的家 – This is my family.
Last updated on 10 Mar 2019 / Published on 28 Feb 2019
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