中文学习分享组群 🀄📒🤓

Version 0.3.0

Mandarin lessons with 诺艾妮


First Tone

Word Pronunciation Meaning Phrases
1. One.
2. sān Three.
3. Seven.
4. Eight.
5. zhōng China,within, among, centre.
6. duō Many.
7. shān Mountain.
8. jīng Eye. 眼睛
9. 嘴巴
10. shuāng Two, double, pair.
11. chū To go out, to come out.
12. zhī/zhǐ Classifier for birds and certain animals, one of a pair, certain utensils, vessels, etc.

Second Tone

Word Pronunciation Meaning Phrases
1. shí Ten.
2. rén Man, person, people.
3. tóu Head.
4. Feet.
5. yáng Sun. 太阳
6. shí Stone, rock.
7. tián Field, farm.
8. Grain, cereal.
9. lái Come, arrive.
10. And, together with, sum, union, peace, harmony.
11. péng 朋友

Third Tone

Word Pronunciation Meaning Phrases
1. Five.
2. jiǔ Nine.
3. bǎi Hundred.
4. liǎng Two, both.
5. shuǐ Water.
6. kǒu Mouth.
7. shǒu Hand.
8. xiǎo Small.
9. shǎo Few.
10. huǒ Fire.
11. Earth, dust.
12. Me.
13. yǒu Have.
14. zuǒ Left.
15. yǎn Eye.
16. ěr Ear. 耳朵
17. duǒ Classifier for flowers, clouds. 耳朵 (ěr duō
18. zuǐ Mouth. 嘴巴
19. jiǎo Foot.
20. zhǐ Finger, to point at or to.
21. zǒu To walk, to go, to move.
22. yǒu Friend. 朋友
23. xiě To write. 写字

Fourth Tone

Word Pronunciation Meaning Phrases
1. èr Two.
2. Four.
3. liù Six.
4. yòu Again.
5. jiàn To see, to meet, to appear.
6. Eye.
7. Big.
8. Sun, day.
9. yuè Moon, month.
10. liàng Bright. 月亮
11. tài Overly / Very. 太阳
12. yoù Right.
13. Classifier for things.
14. shàng On top, upon, above, upper.
15. xià Down, downwards, below, lower.
16. To go.
17. To enter, to go into.
18. zuò To sit, to take a seat.
19. To stand, to set up.
20. Wood.
21. bù (alone) / bú (as prefix) Negative prefix (no).
22. piàn Classifier, Piece
23. xiè Thanks 谢谢
23. Words.

Light Tone (轻声)

Word Pronunciation Meaning Phrases
2. dí/dì/de Posessive particle.
Last updated on 30 Dec 2018 / Published on 28 Dec 2018
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