中文学习分享组群 🀄📒🤓

Version 0.3.0

Mandarin lessons with 诺艾妮


First Word with a First Tone

Phrase Pronunciation Meaning
1. 山中 shān zhōng In/on the mountain.
2. 山头 shān tóu Mountain top.
3. 三十 sān shí Thirty.
4. 七十 qī shí Seventy.
5. 八十 bā shí Eighty.
6. 多少 duō shǎo How much.
7. 一百 yī bǎi One hundred.
8. 三百 sān bǎi Three hundred.
9. 双手 shuāng shoǔ A pair of / both hands.
10. 双眼 shuāng yǎn A pair of / both eyes.
11. 双耳 shuāng ěr A pair of / both ears.
12. 双脚 shuāng jiǎo A pair of / both legs.
13. 出去 chū qù To go out
14. 山上 shān shàng In/on the mountain.
15. 山下 shān xià Outside of the mountain.

First Word with a Second Tone

Phrase Pronunciation Meaning
1. 十一 shí yī Eleven.
2. 十三 shí sān Thirteen.
3. 十七 shí qī Seventeen.
4. 十八 shí bā Eighteen.
5. 人头 rén tóu Headcount.
6. 石头 shí tóu Stone, rock.
7. 朋友 péng yǒu Friend.
8. 人口 rén kǒu Population.
9. 十九 shí jiǔ Nineteen.
10. 小手 xiáo shoǔ Small hands.
11. 左眼 zuó yan Left eye.
12. 手指 shóu zhǐ Finger.
13. 五百 bǎi Five hundred.
14. 不见 jiàn Disappeared, lost.
15. 不去 (I am) not going.
16. 头大 tóu dà
  • In phrases with two consecutives third tones, the first word is often read instead with a second tone.

First Word with a Third Tone

Phrase Pronunciation Meaning
1. 嘴巴 zuǐ bā Mouth.
2. 耳朵 ěr duō Ear.
3. 眼睛 yǎn jīng Eye.
4. 火山 huǒ shān Volcano.
5. 手中 shǒu zhōng In your hands.
6. 手足 shǒu zú Hands and feet (all limbs)
7. 走来 zǒu lái Walk over, walk here.
8. 五十 wǔ shí Fifty.
9. 九十 jiǔ shí Ninety.
10. 写字 xiě zì Writing words / text.
11. 五月 wǔ yuè May.
12. 九月 jiǔ yuè September.
13. 耳目 ěr mù Ears and eyes, both senses (sight & hearing).
14. 左右 zuǒ yoù Both sides, Beside.
  • Phrases with two consecutives third tones are exceedingly rare / do not exist

First Word with a Fourth Tone

Phrase Pronunciation Meaning
1. 不多 bù duō Not a lot.
2. 太阳 tài yáng Sun.
3. 上头 shàng tóu Above.
4. 大头 dà tóu A big head.
5. 大手 dà shǒu Big hand.
6. 右手 yòu shǒu Right hand.
7. 右脚 yòu jiǎo Right foot.
8. 右耳 yòu ěr Right ear.
9. 月亮 yuè liàng Moon.
10. 坐立 zuò lì Sitting upright.
11. 上下 shàng xià Up and down.

(EXTRA) Phrases with Light Tones

When one word is repeated to form a phrase, the second word is often read with a light tone (轻声) Certain words (儿, 子, 的, 着, 了) are often read with a light tone at the end of phrase

Phrase Pronunciation Meaning
1. 谢谢 xiè xie Thanks.
2. 爸爸 ba Father.
3. 妈妈 mā ma Mother.
4. 花儿 huā er Flower.
5. 孩子 hái zi Child.
6. 我的 wǒ de Mine, My (object).
7. 走着 zǒu zhe Walking.
8. 好了 hǎo le Done, completed.
Last updated on 30 Dec 2018 / Published on 28 Dec 2018
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